Tip Top Sides


| Inspiration | Tip Top Sides

Tip Top Sides


Enjoying a variety of foods everyday is an important part of a balanced diet and overall health. This includes eating plenty of delicious vegetables and fruits, which are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre (to name a few benefits). Our friends at 5+ a day are a wealth of knowledge on all things fruit and vege, and have brilliant cooking and preparing tips, so we've chosen the best recipes to share with you.

There are plenty more suggestions and side salad inspiration that you can find here.

Fennel and Apple Slaw

The humble cabbage cops a bit of bad press and is often covered in thick cloying mayonnaise, but here it is the hero of this side dish.

Tarted up with a little fresh apple and crunchy almonds, the dressing is light and tangy - the perfect counter to a rich, buttery pastry.

Broccolini, Mandarin and Chilli

Made with either broccolini or broccoli, this is an amazing dish to serve with a beef pie – the citrus from the mandarin improves the absorption of the iron from the beef; and the broccoli is fresh and delicious. A win-win in our books.

Avocado Caprese Salad

The salad that doesn't look like a salad... Kids love these filled avocados and they're a great way to introduce the concept of salad to toddlers.

They'll have great fun filling each centre and with some blanched beans and broccoli on the side, round out a delicious meal.

Roasted Spiced Pumpkin with Herb and Citrus Yoghurt Dressing

This is a winner with our marketing manager who adores the flavour of roasted pumpkin. Sweet and juicy, it's a robust salad that sings Middle Eastern flavours.

Apple, Cranberry and Spinach Salad

Another one for the families. Kids love this salad and it’s a great way to get them to tuck into a pile of greens. The dressing is lovely but at a pinch, a healthy squeeze of lemon is all this salad needs.

Pear and Walnut Salad

A classic combination that is well loved. It is an elegant addition to any shared lunch table and is robust enough to handle a little travel. Keep the dressing in a jar and shake it up right before serving, ensuring each salad element gets a little.
We love it along side the spicy lamb borek to give a little freshness from the heat.


Posted by Beef + Lamb New Zealand