How to shop smart this Christmas


| Tips & Tricks | How to shop Smart this Christmas

How to shop Smart this Christmas

Whether you are hosting a big family bash, or a small, intimate gathering, here are 10 tips on how to shop SMART this Christmas:


1. Delegate, delegate, delegate. Gone are the days of one person
making and doing everything on Christmas Day. Lock in your guest
numbers early and decide who is bringing what to spread the load.
2. Make a list and stick with it. To keep your shopping trip short and
sweet, write down exactly what and how much you need. Don’t
forget to scan your fridge, freezer and pantry beforehand so you’re
not doubling up.
3. Start early. Get into the Christmas shopping spirit and start
stocking up on non-perishable items (e.g. herbs, spices, sauces,
pasta, rice, beverages) in early December. This will help spread the
cost and save checkout time come Christmas Eve. If you have the
freezer space, you could also buy certain perishables early and
freeze them, such as meat.
4. Shop around. If you’re shopping early, time will be on your side to
find the best deals and specials at your local supermarkets and/or
5. Make your meat work for you. Mince, chops, chuck, schnitzel,
topside steaks and slow cooked meat can offer value for money
and can be used in delicious Christmassy meals. If you’re feeding
a crowd, a leg of lamb can be a good option too. Butchers can also
give you great advice on best ways to prepare meat cuts.


6. Bulk it up. Found a great recipe but need to feed a few extra
mouths? Dependent on the recipe, beans, lentils, rice and
potatoes are cost effective, versatile and can help make a dish
go further.
7. Simple swaps. Choose seasonal options when it comes to fruits
and veggies and don’t be afraid to swap out fresh produce for
canned or frozen items…they can be just as nutritious and delicious in some cases.
8. Minimise food waste. Plan out estimated portions for guests to
avoid over purchasing and over preparing (no one wants to be
peeling more potatoes than they need to). If providing a few protein
choices, portions can be smaller as everyone will want to have a bit
of each. Repurpose leftovers creatively to make new meals, all while
reducing food waste.
9. Pick your timing. Avoid those busy weekend supermarket rushes
where you can and opt for quieter periods that work with your
schedule, such as late nights, lunch hours, or weekdays off.
10. Eat before you shop. If you’re shopping on an empty
stomach you’re bound to think up any excuse to throw extra items
in the trolley (we’re looking at you, Scorched Almonds…). Have a
good meal or snack before you go.


Posted by Beef + Lamb New Zealand